Takayasu's arteritis is a chronic (long-term) disease in which arteries become inflamed. It is also known as Takayasu's aortitis Rickard Rakell Ducks Jersey , pulseless disease and aortic arch syndrome. In most cases, Takayasu's arteritis targets the aorta and its major branches, including arteries to the brain, arms and kidneys. The aorta is the body's main artery, which pumps oxygen-rich blood from the heart to the rest of the body. Less frequently, the pulmonary artery and coronary arteries also are involved. This problem causes damage to the body's major organs; reduced or absent pulses in the arms and legs; and symptoms of poor circulation Antoine Vermette Ducks Jersey , such as a cool arm or leg, muscle pains with use or exertion, or symptoms of stroke if brain arteries are narrowed or blocked. The disease can be fatal. The cause of Takayasu's arteritis is unknown, it may be an autoimmune disorder. Symptoms: The symptoms of Takayasu's arteritis vary depending on the stage of the illness and the arteries affected. Early symptoms can include fever, fatigue, poor appetite Josh Manson Ducks Jersey , weight loss, night sweats, joint pain and chest pain. Later symptoms typically are related to narrowing of the arteries and a decrease in blood flow to certain organs. These later symptoms can include: High blood pressure and kidney failure resulting from poor blood flow to the kidneys Weak or absent pulses in the arms, neck or legs A significant difference in blood pressure between the right and left arms A significant difference in blood pressure between the arms and legs Angina (chest pains, especially with exertion) Shortness of breath and fatigue, resulting from congestive heart failure Fainting Derek Grant Ducks Jersey , dizziness, changes in vision, transient ischemic attacks (ministrokes) or a stroke, resulting from poor blood flow to the brain Abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, resulting from poor blood flow to the abdomen Muscle weakness and pain in the arms or legs when they are moved.
Takayasu's arteritis is so rare and because the early symptoms are not specific John Gibson Ducks Jersey , a doctor may not suspect you have the disease until you develop symptoms of narrowed arteries. This could be months, or even years, after the disease started. The earliest clues that you may have Takayasu's arteritis may be high blood pressure that can't be explained by anything else, difficulty obtaining a blood pressure measurement on one side, a difference in blood pressure reading between the two arms or symptoms of poor circulation - all unusual findings in a younger person. Suspect that you have Takayasu's arteritis if you have at least three of the 6 criteria. Symptoms beginning at age 40 or younger Muscle weakness and pain when you move your arms or legs A weak pulse in the brachial artery (major artery in the upper arm) A sound called a bruit, which indicates turbulent blood flow in aorta or subclavian artery Signs of damage to the aorta or other arteries on a test called an angiogram Jakob Silfverberg Ducks Jersey , which is a series of X-rays of arteries . A difference of at least a 10 mm Hg (millimeters of mercury) in the systolic blood pressure (the in your right and left arms. Diagnosis: standard angiography magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) Doppler ultrasound standard magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or computed tomography (CT)
Prevention: There is no way to prevent Takayasu's arteritis Damage to arteries may be permanent
Treatment: Treatment for Takayasu's arteritis is usually with glucocorticoid medications, such as prednisone. If Takayasu's arteritis has caused significant narrowing of an artery, the narrowed segment may need to be widened or repaired. Depending on the artery affected, this can be done in one of three ways: Traditional (open) surgery Percutaneous transluminal balloon angioplasty, in which a small balloon is inserted into the blood vessel, then inflated to dilate it. Percutaneous placement of a stent Ryan Miller Ducks Jersey , in which a small mesh device is placed in the artery to keep the blood vessel open. Inflamed segments of arteries may become weakened, leading to the formation of an aneurysm, or outpouching of the vessel. These may expand over time and rupture, a potentially life-threatening event. Thus, tests for aneurysm (including MRA) may be recommended for people with Takayasu's arteritis, and if an aneurysm is large or expanding Brandon Montour Ducks Jersey , surgical repair may be recommended.
Prognosis: Symptoms usually go away in about 60 percent of people with Takayasu's arteritis when they are treated with glucocorticoids alone. However, symptoms return in about half of these patients. When people who have symptoms return are treated with a combination of glucocorticoids and other immunosuppressive drugs, 40 percent to 80 percent have symptoms go away again, but it's common for them to return later. Overall, about 80 percent to 90 percent of people with Takayasu's arteritis respond to some form of medical therapy. In general, about 85 percent of people survive for at least 15 years after diagnosis. You can probably ask any lawyer or accountant to give you legal advice or help you find a way out of your tax debt; but Ondrej Kase Ducks Jersey , they'll probably advise you to look for a specialist to help instead. Tax lawyers, licensed agents and CPAs know the tax laws, both federal and state laws, in their sleep.
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